Sunday, January 11, 2009

Why this is important to me?

I have spent my life attempting to answer questions as they come to me. Some are simple; many are complex. But all, I believe, to be important.

But what are the reasons answering questions is important? Why not accept things blindly and move along? We do have experts in almost any field, don't we? We can trust them to lead us in the right direction, can't we? Experience is a great teacher, isn't it? What about our faith? Can we not trust the ancient writings to give us the answers to all our problems? We can have faith in science can't we?

I guess the answer to all these questions is, "it depends". Wow! What a relativistic/postmodern standpoint for me to take, but until I begin answering the important questions in my life, how else can I answer except, it depends? I know what I believe, what I need to understand is why I believe what I believe.

And this is it - my attempt to examine why I believe what I believe.

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